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It's All In The Pantry

Are there items that you use regularly but don't want to clutter up other rooms? Do you have kids who need quiet places to do homework? Or maybe you're just looking for some extra storage space in general? A pantry is a lot like an extra room in your home. It's a space that can be used for anything from storing canned goods to keeping extra blankets and pillows.

Do You Need One?

Whether you have a small kitchen with limited space or a large kitchen with no storage, the answer is the same: you need a pantry.

A well-made list is a driving force behind this organization, helping you avoid buying things that are already in your pantry and making sure each ingredient's place in your pantry is well defined so that everything is easy to find.

What Can You Store Inside?

You can store almost anything in a pantry, but we recommend keeping things that don't need to be refrigerated or frozen in a dry, dark place. You can put things that need to be kept cool or dry, like cheese and crackers. You can also use a pantry to store cleaning supplies, laundry detergent, and other household items. That's not all! You can also store your liquor and medicine in a pantry.

Pantry Layout Tips

Get Everything Out

It's time to get rid of the expired and unwanted items in your pantry. Take a look at what is left over: if there are items in there that you don't use regularly or have no purpose in your kitchen, then get rid of those too! If there are still some things left over after this process, then put them in a box somewhere out of sight so they don't continue to clutter up your kitchen countertops or cabinets! Finally, you don't want dust or insects attacking your belongings, so keep things tidy by cleaning regularly and keeping the door closed when not in use.

Store It All

Use clear containers so you can see what's inside and easily tell what's where. Store items in plastic bins instead of cardboard ones since they're more durable. Other than that, store items on shelves instead of just throwing them in a drawer or on top of one another (you'll have more space to access them, and they'll be easier to find).

Organize by Item

Look for items that are the same or similar and group them together in the same bin or container. That way, if you do find yourself with extra space after cleaning out all those unwanted items, you'll know exactly where to put them. Put the things you use most often in the most accessible locations so that you can grab and go at a moment's notice.

Label It

Labeling your containers and items allows you to easily identify them, and this can help with storage purposes. You can label items by category (e.g., food, cleaning supplies, clothing), or you can label them according to their contents (e.g., "bottled water" or "gloves"). This not only saves you time but also helps prevent stress and frustration. A label maker will help you find things more easily and help you keep track of what needs to be thrown away or recycled.

Make It Family Friendly

Keep a basket or bin out of sight that you can use to store snacks for them. This will help ensure they don't sneak into the pantry when they're hungry and that the snacks they need are always available.

Make sure you keep dangerous items out of sight. If there are cleaning products or other hazardous materials in your pantry, be sure they're safely stored away from prying fingers and curious eyes—you never know what kind of trouble your little ones could get into if they got hold of those chemicals!

Fit It In

Pantries are notoriously hard to design. They have to be functional, but they also have to be visually appealing. You have to consider the layout, the size, and the design of the door. It also helps you figure out what furniture pieces will work best and how much space you'll need. How many drawers do you need? How many shelves are to be used? Do you want any special features, like lights or temperature control?

Pantries, properly arranged and stocked can make your life so much easier and more efficient. Trying to juggle weekly shopping with a million other things can quickly result in wasted time and money, so be sure to be strategic about your pantry management. After all, a stocked pantry has more benefits than just saving money—it also saves time and energy!

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